
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Death Calculator

Death calculator to determine how you long will you live. You wonder how long will i live . I know, you know, and we all know that we all must die someday but hopefully this will help you determine how long you will have.

Are you ready for death? I know that it must happen sometime but not all people are ready for that. Sometimes we think to ourselves what is it like ? what would life be like here if I was gone? This may help you at least prepare.

Click here to check out:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do you know what will happen after death within 36 hours ?

When the heart stops beating, some people will begin to twitch, breathing became rapid from the normal rhythm, while ear first cold. Acid in the blood into the body, throat began to spasm - Death comes.Instantaneous deathMedical sense, the brain death is defined as all the oxygen discharge. At this time, the human pupil will become look like as the quality of crystal glass.
1 minute of deathCoagulation of blood has been started with the body caused skin discoloration. Muscles in a completely relaxed state, start emptying bowel and bladder.

3 minutes of deathThat time, the death of brain cells begin to batch. Higher thinking processes - for example, consider how to die - or I'm sorry who during his lifetime - terminated.

7-9 minutes after deathBrain stem death.

8-10 hours after deathThe body has completely cold. The black humor that, in this case, men will realize the last time in life is the most horrible time of the firm.

36-48 hours after deathRigor mortis phenomenon began to disappear, the body re-soft, soft enough to me to perform contortionist acrobatics.

24-72 hours after deathAs in the body of a large number of bacteria, protein-rich body began to decay of the internal organs, and began to digest the pancreas itself.

3-5 days after deathSwelling began to appear on the body, with a bubble of blood from the mouth and nose started flowing out, what a beautiful day ah!

8-10 days after deathAll the gas produced by rotting and full belly, the tongue sticking out from his mouth, and the blood begins to break down, the body also will change from green to red.

Months after the death ofFat will be converted into a green substance called "dead body"

One year after deathBack to nature!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Death Bell

New coming out movie - 2010

Death Bell

This movie is talk about....
Se-hee is haunted by her step sister Tae-yeon who used to be a promising swimmer but suddenly killed herself in a swimming pool 2 years ago. During the summer vacation, she joins the study camp at school for upcoming college entrance exam with other 30 elite students. On the first night, when Se-hee finds a riddling passage scribbled in the desk, she soon sees a dead girl’s body hung upside down. Then the TV monitors are on and the students watch another friend crushed by his bike in the corridor. Since then, the succession of cruel killings occurs whenever they fail to answer the given questions in time. Meanwhile, the hidden truth behind Tae-yeon’s suicide is slowly revealed and terrified students struggle to death to undo the puzzle before they become the next victim.

Scary :♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


My Life, My Coffin - Giving Back

Gilles Massot

Gilles’ practice focuses on history and ethnology, and reveals itself through a wide range of forms of expression; from visual to writing to performance to education.

He studied architecture in Marseille (France) and eventually graduated from in photography. He moved to Singapore in 1981. Even during his early days on the island, Gilles involved himself in the local art scene by his active participation in a series of seminal events.

His work as a photo-journalist has been extensively published in various magazines. And his artistic work has been presented internationally at over 50 exhibitions. Gilles is currently a lecturer in Singapore’s premiere arts college LASALLE and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Gilles Massot’s calls his commissioned coffin, “Giving Back.” It represents a restitution of energy to the Universe, both from a spiritual and materialistic point-of-view. Through beautiful ethereal imagery “Giving Back” indicates the time has come for the body to return to the Universe, the energy that once sustained it. Like the energy of the Sun transmitted through diverse channels such as the food chain. Gilles’ design also evokes the sense of the body and soul merging with the Universe.

My Life, My Coffin - Sayang

Elsie Chua

Elsie is a strong, quiet and determined woman. She knows what she wants, and she speaks her mind. She loves flowers –roses, lilies and orchids, being her favourites. To her, they are a symbol of God’s presence in all the things around us. 

Elsie used to work as a seamstress at the Singa Sewing Machine Company. When she speaks about fabrics and sewing, her face lights up. She still enjoys lingering in the nursing home’s fabric storeroom.

Elsie has a deep appreciation for intricate embroidery, the lush colours and rich imagery of her Peranakan or Straits Chinese) culture.  She speaks with much fondness about the Robia – a dress worn by Peranakan women or Nonyas. She remembers being very good at making the Robia in her days as a seamstress.

Elsie has picked a light blue Kebaya - traditional attire of Malay-Straits Chinese influence commonly worn by Peranakan women.

My Life, My Coffin - A Life Well Lived

Kitty Fogh

90-year-old Kitty is one of the most colourful characters you’ll meet at the nursing home. This affable former English teacher is of Danish-Ceylonese parentage, and has lived at St. Joseph’s for over 30 years.

By her own admission, Kitty has led a full life and enjoyed a very satisfying career in education. In her day, she also coached netball, and was involved in drama, the choir and folk dancing. She still speaks fondly of her teaching days, her students and her former colleagues. Kitty is especially proud of being invited to teach country dancing to members of the royal family of Malaysia’s Johor state.

My life, My Coffin - Rose In Peace

Magdalane Khoo

Shy and reserved by nature, Magdalene began life with the odds stacked against her. She was born with polio. Then at the tender age of six, her father died. But rather than wallow in her unfortunate circumstances, she was driven by her sense of compassion for others to missionary work, including stints at the holy Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Southern France.

It was there she developed a fondness for roses. Even today, roses of every shade and colour remind her of the good times she spent in French countryside.

These days Magdalene spends her time knitting socks, shoes and scarves – an activity that keeps her fingers nimble and her mind sharp.

When she passes on, Magdalene has asked to be buried in a simple white dress.

Enter-Death Short Video

Welcome to

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome E-Death





Death always is kind of fear to human
but what is the reason?
this kind of question always appear in our mind,
where will i be after death?
will i become a soul after death? 
afer death do we have "the afterlife" ?
then how about my "the afterlife"?
dose heaven and hell really exist in this world?
if yes, where heaven will be locate?
and where hell will be lacate?

of course "dead" there is another way to express ,
fear,yes we fear~ ~ ~ ~
Died can no longer in love, family and friends together
 again the dead can not continue to present achievement.

If that is a tool to answers all about death
 maybe people have no fear to death but...

People fear of death, perhaps because of insecurity.
 that is just human nature ,we would have a great fear one we get loss.

Welcome to

Let's discuss about "death",do you have any opinions.